Carola paul and thomas knoke institute of forest management, tum school of life. On the functional relationship between biodiversity and economic value carola paul1,2, nick hanley3, sebastian t. One estimate calculated the economic value of ecosystem services as a function of standing forest biomass 1 1. Accounting for multiple ecosystem services in a simulation of. Compositional diversity of rehabilitated tropical lands. This has led to the confusing situation in which various groups have different understandings of the meaning of sustainability. Thomas knoke professor institute of forest management, technische universitat munchen verified email at forst. How can climate policy benefit from comprehensive land. Science has named the detection of gravitational waves as the breakthrough of the year. A certain loss of scientific orientation is thus not limited to the discipline of forest management planning see for example knoke 2010 for a. Based on the notion that homogenous products are cheaper to produce and manipulate, management practices have typically led to evenaged. Knoke, institute of silviculture and forest management, technische universitat munchen, am hochanger, d85354 freising, germany orcid id. Figure1 eucalyptus monocultures are often more profitable than speciesrich forests.
Thomas knoke forest science technische universitat. Some authors show that uncertainties may provide an incentive for land owners. Jun, 2016 land use becomes more diverse when it considers uncertain interactions of multiple ecosystem services. Thomas knoke professor institute of forest management. Paul and knoke address the commercial value and profitability of forest biodiversity, which differs fundamentally from the economic value that we outlined in our research article. This paper aims at analyzing whether existing economic value estimates for forest ecosystem services es might be transferred and used for valuation purposes elsewhere, and whether these data are appropriate for application in forest management. Reconceiving science and policy in the preventive paradigm. Yet, financial valuation techniques have only slowly percolated into disciplines. Likewise, the concepts utilized to achieve sustainability, often with a poorly defined objective. Integrating selected ecological effects of mixed european beechnorway spruce stands in bioeconomic modelling thomas knokea. Forests free fulltext forest cover database updates.
Annals of forest science, volume 74, issue 2 springer. Applied here in the bavarian forest national park bfnp in southeastern germany, this approach detected even small changes between two data takes. Mengistie kindu1, thomas schneider 1, martin dollerer, demel teketay2 and thomas knoke1 1institute of forest management, department of ecology and ecosystem management, center of life and food sciences weihenstephan, technische universitat munchen, hanscarlvoncarlowitzplatz 2, freising 85354, germany. Methodologies drawn from decision theory, operations research and modern finance theory are applied to forest science issues and land use problems in general. Received 11 march 2002 accepted 11 october 2002 published 31 december 2002. Option valuation of philippine forest plantation leases. Pdf yafo is a planningsupport tool for the development of management plans. Semantic scholar profile for thomas knoke, with 117 highly influential citations and 193 scientific research papers. Results from an extended forest inventory, which includes students contributions, are summarized. Fenton, philippe marchand, hubert morin article 117765. Thomas knoke and andreas hahn, global change and the role of forests in future landuse systems, climate change, air pollution and global challenges understanding and perspectives from forest research, 10.
Gis based scenario modelling of land useland cover change in. Strategies of handling risk and uncertainty in forest management in central europe. Published since 1971, this monthly journal covers all aspects of forest science. He acquired his postdoctoral teaching qualification habilitation at tum. Integrating selected ecological effects of mixed european. Much of the history of forest science and management in the last two centuries has focused on optimizing the efficiency of commodity production, mostly of wood for timber, pulp, and fuel. Investment decisions under uncertainty a methodological. More than commercial response article pdf available in science 3546319. Gerhard mullerstarck, stefan friedrich, thomas knoke abstract 9 in this study, the historical peculiarities and the site conditions of the forest of the ludwigmaximiliansuniversitat, munchen, germany, are surveyed. In the case of central europe, this may be an effect of ecological research dominating in forest science. I flew for the fuhrer by heinz knoke is the most captivating book about the war i have read to date. Thomas knoke, head of the institute of forest management at the tum school of life sciences. Thomas knoke forest science technische universitat munchen. Jun 25, 2010 various approaches have been developed to achieve sustainability in forestry, under changing social needs and, consequently, changing definitions of sustainability.
Pdf risksensitive planning support for forest enterprises. This study is a part of a research program that investigates the potential of rapideye re satellite data for timely updates of forest cover databases to reflect both regular management activities and sudden changes due to bark beetle and storms. Having studied forest science at lmu munich, knoke completed his doctorate in 1998. My particular interest lies in risk modeling and diversification strategy planning. Thomas knoke 1 1 institute of forest management, department of ecology and ecosystem management, tum school of life sciences weihenstephan, technical university of munich, 85354 freising, germany. Table of contents december 23, 2016, 354 6319 science. To translate the biophysical productivity gains from. The discovery fulfilled a 100yearold prediction by albert einstein and foreshadows a new way to eavesdrop on the most violent events in the cosmos. Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips. Assessing citizen science opportunities in forest monitoring using probabilistic topic modelling with mounting global environmental, social and economic pressures the resilience and stability of forests and thus the provisioning of vital ecosystem services is increasingly threatened. Remotely sensed data controlled forest inventory concept adelheid wallner, alata elatawneh, thomas schneider, mengistie kindu, britta ossig and thomas knoke institute of forest management, tum school of life sciences weihenstephan, technical university of munich tum, freising, germany.
I am interested in sustainable use concepts for forest and other ecosystems. Here, knoke and colleagues show that uncertainty plays a larger role if ecosystem services. Html full refereed journal article pdf postscript translate this page. Planted forests provide a large part of the commercial value of the worlds forests.
The society of american foresters are grateful for their service. Here, knoke and colleagues show that uncertainty plays a. Structure, growth and increment of the stands in the course of stand transformation in the klokocna forest range, journal of forest science, 52. Land use becomes more diverse when it considers uncertain interactions of multiple ecosystem services. Silvicultural alternatives to conventional evenaged forest. Accounting for multiple ecosystem services in a simulation of land.
Dec 23, 2016 in these forest types, only 20% of tree species or fewer are commercially valuable, and the harvests may be as low as 0. Jeanmichel leban inrae ecofa nancy france, iaws fellow verified email at. His particular interest lies in risk modeling and diversification strategy planning. Roland koeck university of natural resources and life at sciences, vienna prof. Pierre bernier will assume the role of coeditor of the canadian journal of forest research. Hans pretzsch, thomas knoke, carola paul, jurgen bauhus, david i. Remotely sensed data controlled forest inventory concept.
Mingmanistock in their research article positive biodiversityproductivity relationship predominant in global forests 14 october, p. Distributed under a creative commons attribution noncommercial license 4. Forest management has reduced the structural diversity of residual boreal oldgrowth forest landscapes in eastern canada maxence martin, yan boucher, nicole j. Forest policy and economics vol, issue 1, pages 186. To translate the biophysical productivity gains from increased forest value. Knoke briefly documents his childhood and upbringing before getting into the main part of his story which starts with the following diary entries. Finally, we come to the conclusion that even though it is intuitively clear that many longterm decisions should consider uncertainty, adequate financial valuation is not sufficiently developed within forest science. Many forest es are public goods or positive externalities, and as a consequence they do not have a market price. Slope and aspect are known to be important drivers of tree growth, and studies conducted in midlatitude locations have shown that north polarfacing aspects have greater tree performance than southfacing. Pdf characterizing deforestation and forest degradation in the. Scope, editorial board, and more about the journal.
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